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Sunday, December 16, 2012

:( probieee + sweeties :)

assalamualaikum semua.. hari ni, melly want to share a sad story to you guys., emm, why am i always being tested with this kind of things? sedihnya hidup aku. aku sayang semua kawan2 aku, tapi kenapa kawan aku buat aku macam ni? apa masalah dia? as long as i know, i never done anything towards her, but why is she doing such things to me? hmm, is this a fate that she no longer want to be my friend? is this is the fate, i'll accept it but no matter what happen, i still love her. adoii, datang upm nak enjoy, tapi dah jadi macam ni, hilang mood aku laa F**k.. hmmm:(
now, it comes the Happy Story of mine;
shooting video is nearly done, tapi tiba2 Hezza kena balik rumah pulak disebabkan personal problem. hmm, kekurangan laa sorang ahli group melly! btw, i hope the best for us! hari hari melly kat upm, i really enjoy it. haha. kenapa ayat berbelit gila ni? melly pon pening ngan diri sendiri. nanti esok, melly citer lagi banyak2 k!
setakat ni saja buat hari ni, tangan dah kelu ngan kata2. bubbye everyone!

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